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We need to reach more Canadians with the PPC’s message!

There is a lot of speculation about a general election coming next fall.
The People’s Party is gearing up for it.
We have already chosen over 100 candidates across the country. You will hear more about them soon.
I have been criss-crossing the country for weeks to attend Freedom Rallies and meet our local organizations.
We are more active than ever on social media.
More and more Canadians are listening to our message.
Whenever they hear about our common sense policies, they can’t help but agree with them!
But we all know that we won’t get fair and unbiased coverage from the mainstream media.
There is only one way for the PPC to get better results in this coming election.
A lot more Canadians need to hear our message!
That’s why I’m asking you to do ONE IMPORTANT THING TODAY:
Convince a friend, family member or colleague who you think might be interested in our message to follow us.
Send them this page and ask them to take one of several possible actions: peoplespartyofcanada.ca/take_action
They can sign up to our free newsletter, become a member, donate, volunteer, or simply follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.
Any one of these actions will help us. If you can do more yourself, that would be helpful too of course!
We’re also planning to spend more on social media advertising in the coming months.
Please help us reach more potential PPC supporters with a $2.50 donation today!
Many thanks for your help!
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