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We don’t need a global Ministry of Health!

The PPC Newsletter - May 20, 2022

The World Health Organization is set to adopt amendments to the regulations governing how it coordinates policies around the world to deal with global health threats.

It has also begun negotiations on a new international Pandemic Treaty whose goal is to give it more autonomy and power to take decisions.

The WHO is that United Nations agency that said at the beginning of the covid pandemic that everything was fine in China, at the time when the Chinese government was trying to cover up what was going on.

That shows you how competent and relevant they are!

It’s essentially a bunch of bureaucrats aspiring to become the Ministry of Health in a future World Government.

Canada’s chief public health officer, Theresa Tam, worked for the WHO in the past and was their mouthpiece in our country during the pandemic.

Some people have been claiming that if these amendments and Treaty are adopted, we’re going to give the WHO complete control over our health care system.

I read the documents and I think that’s an exaggeration. The WHO has no police force or army to enforce its decisions and recommendations, and we can just tell them to take a hike if we want to.

But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to be worried about.

What this treaty will do is increase the influence and legitimacy of global bureaucrats dictating how we should run our affairs.

It will elicit more pressure from other signatory countries to obey them, which a globalist government like Trudeau’s will gladly do.

It will be another step in the slow but steady drift towards the establishment of a socialist world government.

Although we need international cooperation and sharing of information between countries in cases like a pandemic, we don’t need a global Ministry of Health under the influence of China!

The PPC is the only party that promises to withdraw from all these treaties, accords, and pacts with UN agencies that threaten our sovereignty.

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