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The media pretend we don’t exist!

Two years ago, the establishment media tried to paint us as a racist and white supremacist party.

We now know that all these lies and smear jobs were fed by a professional dirt thrower paid by the Conservative Party, Warren Kinsella.

In this campaign, they changed tack. They just pretend we don’t exist!

CTV News has a map of Canada that shows where party leaders are campaigning every day.

They show where the Bloc leader is even though he never leaves Quebec. And where the leader of the imploding Greens is even though she never leaves her Toronto riding.

But not where I am.

The CBC Poll Tracker shows the average support in opinion polls for all parties.

But not the PPC. We’re in the “Other” category.

This evening, Radio-Canada television will interview the five other party leaders.

But not me.

Last week, Le Journal de Montréal sent us a questionnaire about our policies. They published the answers of the other parties.

But not mine.

I could give a whole list of similar examples.

The media cartel doesn’t want Canadians to hear our common sense message because it threatens their leftist narrative.

Let’s show them how obsolete they are!

Please help us spread the PPC message with a $10 donation today!

I’ll keep you updated about my tour of Alberta and Saskatchewan this week.

Thanks so much for your support!