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Press release - PPC Proposes a Rational Approach to COVID that Respects Canadians’ Rights and Freedoms

Québec, QUEBEC, August 26, 2021 – The Leader of the People's Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, unveiled the party’s approach to the covid-19 pandemic, one that would focus on the protection of the most vulnerable, guarantee the freedom of Canadians to make decisions based on informed consent, and reject coercion and discrimination. He made this policy announcement this morning at a campaign stop in Quebec City in the presence of several of the area’s candidates.
Statement by Maxime Bernier:
“The unprecedented government response to the covid-19 pandemic has had massively negative repercussions on Canadians’ physical and mental health, economic well-being, as well as their rights and freedoms. This experiment was largely ineffective in reducing the spread of the virus, but caused significant collateral damage. Governments are imposing increasingly authoritarian measures on the population.
Although most of these measures have been implemented by provincial governments, Ottawa has an important coordinating role to play at the national level and can influence provincial policies.
A People’s Party government will promote a rational and scientifically based approach to the pandemic that focuses on the protection of the most vulnerable, guarantees the freedom of Canadians to make decisions based on informed consent, and rejects coercion and discrimination; fire the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada Theresa Tam and replace her with someone who will work with provincial agencies to implement a rational approach to the pandemic, instead of following the recommendations of the World Health Organization; repeal vaccine mandates or regular testing for federal civil servants and workers in federally regulated industries; repeal vaccine passports for travellers; oppose vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and other authoritarian measures imposed by provincial governments; and support emergency provincial measures to protect the most vulnerable, but stop bailing out provinces that impose economically destructive lockdowns.”
The People’s Party’s policy on covid is available here.
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Contact: For more information, please write to: [email protected]
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