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Press 5 if you want the government to kill you!
The PPC Newsletter - August 26, 2022

Last week, there was news that a veteran seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder was “inappropriately” offered help to commit suicide by a Veterans Affairs agent.
There were also stories of disabled patients who can’t get the services they need asking – and readily getting – medical assistance in dying (MAID).
It’s no wonder there are more and more such stories since Canada now has the world’s most permissive euthanasia legislation.
It's horrifying to see how quickly MAID went from being a very restricted, difficult-to-get procedure to limit the suffering of people in end-of-life situations, to now being pushed on patients with chronic conditions or mental health issues.
A parliamentary report is expected to recommend soon that even minors deemed “mature” enough to make such a decision should be eligible.
I was touring Saskatchewan yesterday. I was shocked to see that MAID is now being casually offered as an option among others when you call the 8-1-1 Health Line in that province.
Check my tweet with a recording of the message. It will send a chill up your spine.
And this is happening at a time when it can take months or even years to be able to see a specialist or get a surgery.
Are we getting to a point where we're pushing people to choose euthanasia because our dysfunctional health care system doesn't have the resources to treat them?
MAID should NEVER be suggested or pushed on patients, and we should change the law if necessary to hold those who do it criminally responsible.
We should also reform our dysfunctional health care system, and make sure everyone gets the care they need.
This is a very important issue, and only the PPC is addressing it.
Please help us fight the normalization of euthanasia with a $5 donation today.
Many thanks,
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