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Phony leaders’ debates, real momentum

Did you watch the leaders’ debates this week? If not, you didn’t miss anything!
The five leaders agreed on almost everything.
They all want more government spending, more federal intrusions in provincial jurisdictions, and less freedom for Canadians.
They attacked each other on their superficial differences.
It was mind-numbingly boring.
I think many Canadians were happy that I wasn’t there after all.
Because meanwhile, the PPC keeps going up in the polls.
We’re the only party that clearly has wind in its sails since the beginning of the campaign!
And this is thanks to you.
We’re advertising our message on more billboards across the country.
We’re sending phone messages.
The mainstream media can’t ignore us anymore and are beginning to cover our huge rallies.
There is one more week left to reach more Canadians.
Please help us keep our momentum with a $25 donation today.
The establishment is in for a big surprise!
Thanks a lot,
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