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Media release - The PPC Nominates Accomplished Canadian Armed Forces Veteran for Outremont By-Election

PPC HQ, Gatineau, January 27, 2019 — Today, Clinton Desveaux, Executive Director for Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party of Canada, announced the nomination of James Seale as candidate for the Outremont by-election. He will represent the PPC in its first electoral fight in Quebec since the party was officially launched on September 14, 2018.

More information about the candidate:

James Seale served as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces for 30 years. He occupied a leadership position as Warrant Officer of Artillery and took part in international operations notably in Israel, Germany, Haiti and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Mr. Seale spent the last eleven years of his military career as a Leadership Instructor and Facilitator at the Royal Military College and Basic Training School in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu.

While serving abroad, Mr. Seale performed patrolling operations, helping with peacebuilding and stabilisation programs. As an instructor at the Basic Training School, he supervised the education activities of up to 3000 recruits annually while leading teams of up to 120 military personnel. At the Royal Military College, he taught up to 1200 middle managers yearly at the undergraduate level. In addition to teaching, he partook in the College’s operations, academic development, and student services.

Following his retirement from the Canadian Forces in 2012, Mr. Seale was Manager Facilities, IT, and Operations at Concordia University’s PERFORM, a medical research organization. For the last two years, he has been Director of internal controls at Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions. He is currently on leave to run as the PPC’s candidate in Outremont.

Mr. Seale holds a CPA, CMA and Executive MBA from the John Molson School of Business and a Supply Chain Management post graduate diploma from McGill University.


“The PPC’s commitment to gradually increase military spending to 2% of GDP will ensure my Canadian Armed Forces’ brothers and sisters will be properly equipped and trained to defend Canada in an increasingly complex and uncertain world. The PPC platform is tailor-made for my fiscal conservative values and I am extremely proud to represent it in Outremont. Individuals and businesses should be able to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets. We finally have a leader with the courage of his convictions who will put the common interests of all Canadians before the special interests of particular groups.” – James Seale, Candidate

“James has served this country in various military operations around the world. His leadership skills, experience and dedication have contributed to mission success in international and domestic operations and in delivering education programs for the Forces. I am proud that the People’s Party of Canada has attracted such an accomplished candidate who has represented this country in various field defence operations abroad and who has influenced a new generation of highly-skilled and honourable military personnel.” — Maxime Bernier, PPC leader
