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Letter to the Right Honourable David Johnston, Commissioner of the Leaders’ Debates Commission

I am writing in response to your letter of July 12, 2019 soliciting our views on how I, as Leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) qualify for the debates as well as the interpretation of the criteria for participation in the debates.

The Schedule of Order in Council 2018-1322 establishes that the leader of each political party that meets two of the three criteria will be invited to participate in the leaders’ debates.

While I do not fulfill criteria (i) due to the fact that I am not a Member of Parliament currently elected as a member of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC), I would like to demonstrate how I, and the PPC, meet the other two criteria and as such, qualify for the debates.

Read PPC Leader Maxime Bernier's full letter (in PDF format)

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August 12, 2019

Read David Johnston's answer (In PDF format)

Lire la réponse de David Johnston (en format PDF)