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Leaders' Debates: Maxime Bernier’s Reaction

La Guadeloupe, QUEBEC, August 21, 2021 – The Leader of the People's Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, is not surprised by the decision of the Leaders' Debates Commission to exclude him from the two debates to be held in September. He says it only confirms the existence of the political establishment cartel which has sought to deny the existence of the PPC since its inception. He made a statement while campaigning in Beauce.

Statement by Maxime Bernier:

“I was disappointed, but not surprised, to learn that I will not be invited to the leaders' debates. Several polls unveiled in recent days give the People's Party 4, 5, and even 6% in the voting intentions. In my opinion, those that give us barely 1 or 2% have a flawed methodology and do not reflect reality at all.

I do not blame the Commission, whose criteria were clear and objective. Rather, I blame the political establishment cartel, which refuses to debate the crucial issues we raise and has done everything to marginalize us since the founding of the PPC.

I blame some national media, which two years ago worked with Warren Kinsella, who was paid by the Conservative Party, to portray us as racist and intolerant when that is a complete lie. Also those media that today don't even include us in their daily coverage of the campaign, while they cover the Greens, whose support in the polls is at the same level as ours.

The reality is, the more Canadians hear about us, the more they realize that we are the only party that offers a different view than everyone else. Support for the People's Party continues to grow for this reason. My exclusion from the debates will not stop this wave. It is simply a confirmation of the existence of the establishment cartel. But I can make this promise to Canadians today: debate or no debate, you will keep hearing from us!”

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