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Free Max!

Our Leader Maxime Bernier was arrested in Manitoba today!
After the first stop on his “Mad Max Manitoba Tour” in the small town of Niverville, he had been fined and threatened with arrest.
Just an hour later, RCMP officers arrested him outside the village of St-Pierre-Jolys, where he had just spoken to a crowd of supporters.
Maxime knew that by going to Manitoba he was going up against the provincial despot Brian Pallister, and that arrest was a real possibility.
He still did it, because Maxime deeply believes in freedom.
He has shown he has the courage and bravery to do what’s right.
Maxime Bernier, a political leader, was wrongfully arrested on charges that violate his constitutional rights as a Canadian citizen.
Section 2(c) of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the right to peaceful assembly.
This isn’t about COVID-19 anymore. It’s political oppression.
He was arrested for opposing the unjustified, unscientific, and disastrous lockdown measures that have been imposed on Canadians for over 15 months.
That’s the kind of stuff countries like China and Russia do.
Did you ever think Canada would turn into a place where there are political prisoners?
This is not the Canada we know and love.
We’re the only political party in Canada fighting for your freedom!
Will you help our cause with a donation of $20 today, or whatever you can afford, for the sake of this country?
Thank you for your continued support!
-PPC Team
P.S.: It’s possible that Maxime will be in jail for several days. Check our social media accounts for regular updates on Maxime’s situation in the coming hours and days.
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