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A leader for Beauce

St-Georges-de-Beauce, QUEBEC, August 20, 2021 – The leader of the People's Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, officially launched his campaign this morning in his riding of Beauce. During a press conference, he asked his fellow citizens to renew the trust they have placed in it for 13 years as a member of Parliament for Beauce.
This is an excerpt from Maxime Bernier’s statement, which can be read in its entirety here:
“Have you heard Erin O’Toole take a stand on all of these issues? No, he almost entirely agrees with Trudeau. Have you heard the Beauce Conservative MP Richard Lehoux take a position on these subjects? No, he followed his leader and was completely silent.
I'm the only one who's been talking about all this for 18 months. I am like the typical Beauceron. It doesn't scare me to row against the tide and say what I think, even if the majority don't agree.
The People’s Party represents an important and growing current of thought in Canada. We want to bring back common sense. Even without a seat in Parliament, the People's Party has grown, it provokes debates and forces other parties to position themselves. It has become one of the main players in the Canadian political landscape.
Today I say to the Beaucerons: Do you want a silent follower as your MP, or someone who shakes things up? Do you want a leader who will not only represent you with diligence and honesty as he has for 13 years, but also spark crucial democratic debates across Canada?
I am the leader of a federal party. Today, I am asking the Beaucerons to grant me the privilege of being a leader for the Beauce as well.”
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Contact: For more information, please write to: [email protected]
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