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14 Days in Western Canada
The PPC Newsletter - August 19, 2022

I just finished the first leg of my Summer Leader’s Tour in Western Canada.
I made stops in Alberta and BC during the past week, and I’ll be in Saskatchewan and Manitoba next week.
If you live in these last two provinces, check out the PPC Events page to know where and when public events will take place.
I try to visit as many big cities and small towns as possible, and hopefully I will make a stop near you next time I visit your area.
These tours are very important.
They allow me to bring the PPC’s message of freedom and prosperity directly to Canadians without having to deal with Big Tech Censorship.
They also allow me to do interviews with local media, who tend to have much more fair and objective coverage than the bought and paid for national media. Check out these two articles, for example:
Leader of People’s Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, touring B.C.
PPC leader Maxime Bernier to visit Moose Jaw during Western Canada tour
But, organizing these tours costs a lot of money.
And I don’t get any special budget from the government.
It’s all paid for by generous People’s Party members and supporters like you!
If you support these tours, please chip in $4 today, $1 for each of the Western provinces!
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